the awakening

at the dawn …   the awakening
of this new year
fresh as the newly born   ~
joyously springing forth
from the baptismal water
that makes up
the river’s flow
I affirm my commitment
to ascend above
the murmuring mob
whining   ~
complaining …..
blaming another
natural rights
under the stars of heaven
which I  ……
of the same ilk
and I
no better
than anyone else
I’m nothing special
just a human
but for once
I wish to choose
out of love and necessity
for all humanity
the uplifting
of our well-being
as a whole
where you and me
would become more …..
a doer
who is a leader
through word and deed
following in the footsteps
the spirit
of those like Gandhi
Mother Theresa
Rosa Parks
as well as
that lent out slave
named Moses Grandy
who paid for his freedom
three times before getting it
while running boats
along the Great Dismal
Swamp Canal
dug by the hands of slaves
our fellow human beings
and who could forget
the man “of the people,
by the people,
for the people
none of them
let their right of anger
the justification of it
cloud their vision
get in the way
of what they had to do
to initiate change
if We the people
want change
then We the people
must do more than
suggest change
through the protest
of our grievances
We the people
must show
our children
how to travel
the road to change
We the people
must not only start
the revolution
We the people
must also
find a way to
offer up the solution

this is the awakening

peace out

Words by     ~Keith Alan Hamilton~

This poem is a part of the January edition that’s a collaboration by the 2015 Poetry Posse  – The Year of the Poet published by Inner Child Press.  Buy your monthly copy Here: