mystery of me

do you care
to explore
beyond my
and attempt
to learn
the essence
of me ~
the rhythm
of my
heart beat
feel the warmth
of my
spiritual being
if not …..
you are not
the first
or will be
the last
of those
who failed to
or fell short
in their
shallow quest
to solve
the mystery
of me

~peace out~

Words by ~Keith Alan Hamilton~ (~KAH~)

memory of a life

night and day
oh how
seasons pass …..
and experiences
are had
life’s expectations
its fulfilments
are weighed for value
then consideration given
as to the measure
of a life well lived
hopefully so
before the light that burns
the fire within …..
its final glow
becomes extinguished
where only
the memory of a life
remains for the living
all who care to sustain
the worth of its recollection

~peace out~

Words by ~Keith Alan Hamilton~ (~KAH~)

moon and stars

when young ~
the early years
I gazed longingly
up at the moon and stars
far away
and day dreamed
about my future
what I
hoped to accomplish
while alive in NATURE ~

now older ~
the seasoned years
I gaze longingly
up at the moon and stars
and think
I have journeyed afar
but not far enough
still the heavens
NATURE’S full glory
I have not reached ~

though aged ~
and death calls
to say
~ be there soon
my willful spirit
which pumps
through my veins
as far as
hopes and dreams
are still
very much
young of heart
even though ~
in spite of
how far
how much time
it may seem
I have left to go ~

as I gaze longingly
up at the moon and stars

~peace out~

Words by ~Keith Alan Hamilton~ (~KAH~)


I have walked on the road
of dead wishes….
felt the moment of
drunken hearted
absolute rejection
despite the humble
called love ~
who has the courage
to withstand
the wake
of my journey
slowly being
by FSHD1 …..
only the strong
and daring
by the full moon
of my aura
and then
without hesitation
and honestly
be willing
to walk
hand in hand
through the ethereal
of our
existence ~

just sayin’

~peace out~

Words by ~Keith Alan Hamilton~ (~KAH~)

my swagger

I am a HUMAN
simple and everyday
maybe so
but as the INDIVIDUAL (I)
I strive to be original
and creative
yet innately
I know the value
of humility
its role
midst the flaws
of my HUMAN
inherent seemingly
from this somewhat
imperfect SOURCE
that appears creatively
somewhat imperfect
as well

I am a (HCB)
simple and everyday
maybe so

in all humility ……

of my individuality
and the rumors
that follow
my swagger

~peace out~

Words by ~Keith Alan Hamilton~ (~KAH~)

a jam ~ so to speak

out of the blue ~
within the throes
of FSHD1
the serenade of melancholy
was luring me into its rhythm
as I shuttered
I‘ve learned to tune my psyche
to a more lively composition
inside my head
~ a playing of music
more familiar to my ears
a jam ~ so to speak
which gets me rockin’
to the beat
of my inner band
where I‘ll “bust a move”
from fully experiencing ~
the joy of its dance

~peace out~

Words by ~Keith Alan Hamilton~ (~KAH~)

I’ve got this voice

I’ve got this voice
that beckons
to be heard
its message
is drowned out
by the torrent
everyday chatter
and gossip
lost in the madness
the popular
and entertaining
topic or news …..
ever so quickly
in the minutia
of the
social media
text box

I’ve got this voice
that beckons
to be heard

just saying …..
peace out

Words by ~Keith Alan Hamilton~

life as a spiritual empathy intuit

my eyes are…..
wide open
when it comes to
the journey
called life
with all 5 senses
and even the 6th
life’s allurements
my attention
the good
the ok
the bad
and the ugly
I learn living
to the full
reflexive thinking
and reflective thinking
from the heart
how emotionally
intense ~ intuit
my lived experience
is my
that has become
my vision

it seems at times
my eyes are…..
wide open
when it comes to
the journey
called life ~

a life
of mystic

a life
as a spiritual

peace out ~

Words by ~Keith Alan Hamilton~