(~KAH~) the INDIVIDUAL (I) as ME, ME as my-SELF (Mam-S)

The content herein TELLS a LIVING Story about ME as my-SELF (Mam-S), ~Keith Alan Hamilton~ (~KAH~). My LIVING Story as told through the LENS of my OWN particular (Op) MYSTIC kind of PHILOSOPHY (MkoP). How overtime the INDIVIDUAL (I) as ME – born of the SPIRITUAL/PHILOSOPHICAL (S/P), wholeheartedly has sought to know more about (Mam-S). (Mam-S) – as this HUMAN COGNITION BEING (HCB). A (HCB) who appears being ALIVE as this INDIVIDUAL (I) within the COMPLEX/DYNAMIC (C/D) emergence of NATURE’S WHOLE SYSTEM (WS).

So seemingly in spite of my many INHERENT limitations as a (HCB) – the (I) as ME will freely as HUMANLY possible, TELL this LIVING Story about (Mam-S) to all those willing to consider it.

In the TELLING of my LIVING Story – the (I) as ME attempts COGNITIVELY to be intelligently progressive in thought and creatively expressive by way of my (Op) WORD IMAGERY STYLE (WIS). The reader of my WORDS must then be willing to accept modifications and/or complete changes to content and matters of focus along the way. The (I) as ME – will try to add to this LIVING Story at least once a week (as revealed in the history of my blog/archives along with modifications/changes).

I would suggest that the reader of my words start with the INDIVIDUAL (I) as ME and WORD IMAGERY STYLE (WIS) pages of this site before going elsewhere.

The (I) as ME is currently writing a primer to my (Op) (MkoP). If that peeks your interest – click HERE to get a SENSE of its development. Also in the near future, the (I) as ME will be writing a Memoir about being a SELF-actualized and SELF-proclaimed mystic kind of philosopher.


“In spite of my INHERENT limitations as a HUMAN COGNITION BEING (HCB) – the INDIVIDUAL (I) as ME will freely as HUMANLY possible, TELL this LIVING Story about ME as my-SELF (Mam-S) to all those willing to consider it.”

(MkoP) Sayings by ~Keith Alan Hamilton~ (~KAH~)

~Peace Out~ Next: INDIVIDUAL (I) as ME